Showing 6 Result(s)

Redleg Nation

Since 2017 I have been a frequent contributor to Redleg Nation, a website that is an independent news source (with no direct ties to the team ownership or management). about the Cincinnati Reds baseball team. I’ve contributed more than 200 articles about the Reds. I love writing, I love the Reds, and I love writing …

Podcasts: Creation and Guest Appearance

In 2018, I created this Bitcoin Coaches Radio podcast with my colleague Brett Combs as a way to ensure that I could correctly record, edit, and upload a podcast for public consumption: Along with the ability to produce podcasts, I’ve also been a podcast guest! December 11, 2019: Well, more rumors abound and not so …

It’s Tough to Know When It’s Time to Go

This column was published August 8, 2004, in The Sunday Challenger, serving Northern Kentucky. BY TOM MITSOFF My father was a tough, dedicated community newspaper editor and publisher who loved his work. It meant more to him than anything other than his family. It was his passion. By his early 70s, right around the time …

GamePlan pro sports preview magazines

During the summers of 1988 through 1993, my great friend and colleague, Greg Milano, and I spent hours and hours of time writing content for the nationally distributed magazines pictured below. Our titles were associate editors: Some years, we wrote all of the content in the magazine cover to cover. It was a fantastic experience …

Kansas City Chiefs 1989 team preview

This story appeared in the 1989 issue of Game Plan Pro Football Annual Preview magazine. BY TOM MITSOFF How bad did the pro football fortunes in Kansas City become last year? At least one national broadcaster got into the habit of referring to the 1988 Chiefs as the “Chefs.” Was it because Kansas City could …